MS Word 2003 - Video Tutorial in Hindi / Urdu

MS Word 2003 - Video Tutorial in Hindi / Urdu

Introduction - Part 1

Spelling, Grammar, Word Count - Part 2

Insert Symbol, Page Numbers - Part 3

 Insert Picture, Insert Clip Art, Insert Word Art - Part 4

Text Alignment, Bullets, Numbering - Part 5

Border, Shading, Drop Cap, Change Case - Part 6

Insert Header, Footer, Insert Columns, Page Setup - Part 7

Create Table, Text Alignment in Table - Part 8

Move Table, Insert Rows, Columns - Part 9

Delete Table, Rows, Columns - Part 10

Merge Cells, Print, Table - Part 11

Don't walk as you are king, walk as you don't care who the king is....!!
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
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