Photodex ProShow Producer 7.0.3518 + StylePacks Pre-Installed - Silent Installer + Demo Project Included
The installer contains:
Photodex ProShow Producer 7.0 Pre-Registered
StylePacks Pre-Installed are:
01. StylePacks Escapes
02. StylePacks Grunge
03. StylePacks StylePack vol.1
04. StylePacks StylePack vol.2
05. StylePacks StylePack vol.3
06. StylePacks StylePack vol.4
07. StylePacks StylePack vol.5
08. StylePacks Vintage
09. StylePacks Transition Pack vol.1
10. StylePacks Transition Pack vol.2
11. StylePacks Wedding Memories MediaSource
12. StylePacks Weddings
Demo video auto generated by ProShow Producer
Size - 925 mb
Parts - 6 (150 mb each)
Don't walk as you are king, walk as you don't care who the king is....!!
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
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